"_id": "http://culture.si/en/Special:URIResolver/Narodni_dom_Maribor",
"csi:Map": [
"csi:Logo": [
"File:Narodni dom Maribor (logo).svg"
"csi:Town": [
"SI-2000 Maribor"
"rdf:type": [
"Articles maintained by Simon Žlahtič",
"Concert halls",
"EU Culture funding recipient",
"EU funding of Slovene organisations (Culture and MEDIA Programmes)",
"Festival organisers",
"Maribor, European Capital of Culture 2012",
"Music festival and event organisers",
"Music festival organisers",
"Music venues",
"Public entities",
"Theatre festival and event organisers",
"Theatre festival organisers",
"Theatre producers",
"Theatre venues",
"foaf:name": [
"Kulturno prireditveni center Narodni dom Maribor"
"csi:Region": [
"foaf:phone": [
"+386 / 2 229 4000"
"rdfs:label": [
"Narodni dom Maribor"
"swivt:page": [
"csi:Contact": [
"Kulturno prireditveni center Narodni dom Maribor"
"csi:Country": [
"About Slovenia"
"csi:Page_ID": 2268,
"vcard:email": [
"csi:Category": [
"Concert halls",
"EU Culture funding recipient",
"EU funding of Slovene organisations (Culture and MEDIA Programmes)",
"Festival organisers",
"Maribor, European Capital of Culture 2012",
"Music festival and event organisers",
"Music festival organisers",
"Music venues",
"Public entities",
"Theatre festival and event organisers",
"Theatre festival organisers",
"Theatre producers",
"Theatre venues",
"csi:Logo_url": [
"csi:TownName": [
"csi:Has_query": [
"csi:TeaserImg": [
"File:Narodni dom Maribor 2008 exterior (2).jpg"
"foaf:homepage": [
"csi:Founded_by": [
"Municipality of Maribor"
"csi:TeaserText": [
"Housed in a restored late 19th-century building in the centre of Maribor, Narodni dom offers various contexts a wide range of performing arts activities, including theatre, dance and music."
"csi:Teaser_slo": [
"Narodni dom Maribor je največji kulturni center Podravske regije in drugi največji kulturni center v Sloveniji."
"dc:description": [
"Housed in a restored late 19th-century building in the centre of Maribor, [[Narodni dom Maribor |Narodni dom]] offers various contexts a wide range of performing arts activities, including theatre, dance and music."
"vcard:latitude": [
"vcard:locality": [
"SI-2000 Maribor"
"csi:Revision_ID": 310968,
"vcard:longitude": [
"csi:Category_slo": [
"Koncertne dvorane",
"EU Financiranje",
"Javne entitete",
"csi:Page_creator": [
"rdfs:isDefinedBy": [
"csi:TeaserImg_url": [
"vcard:postal-code": [
"csi:Youtube_account": [
"swivt:wikiNamespace": [
"csi:Facebook_account": [
"vcard:street-address": [
"Kneza Koclja 9"
"csi:Instagram_account": [
"swivt:wikiPageSortKey": [
"Narodni dom Maribor"
"csi:Related_localnames": [
"Dvorana Union Maribor",
"Festival Lent",
"Festival Maribor",
"Sodni stolp Maribor",
"Vetrinjski dvor"
"csi:Number_of_revisions": [
"csi:Founded_by_localname": [
"Mestna občina Maribor"
"csi:Modification_date-23aux": [
"swivt:wikiPageContentLanguage": [
"swivt:wikiPageModificationDate": [